Monday 21 July 2014

Jeans refashion skinnier

So I've had this pair of cord jeans with animal print! For some time now. They're from a couple of years ago and haven't got much air time. I like them but... you know... Near enough but not quite good enough. I found them again a couple of weeks ago during a camping clothes clean out. They nearly ended up rock climbing and sitting around campfires. But in a moment of inspiration, I put them aside on the "repurpose/refashion" pile. And then they started to whisper to me "Come on, you want to wear us again. Get out your favourite pair of skinny jeans and cut us down to fit. You know you want to. And we've leopard print too." So tonight after finishing a current project (trying to cut down on these too:)) I picked them up again, grabbed my fave skinnies and got started.

Very soon after I started seriously checking out other people's sewing blogs I discovered  Miss P who is a fabulous refashioner. Check her out. She has a great post on quick and easy jeans modification, which I followed closely.

The photos are terrible - grainy night time doesn't do the leopard print justice. But I'm really happy with the outcome. The jeans have stopped whispering. They're know they will have an outing this week.

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