Friday, 11 January 2013


So, I'm still looking for just the right bra. I'm sure I will but in the meantime my fingers are getting itchy. I signed up for the Sassy Librarian Blouse, also on Craftsy. I didn't mean to start this yet but when the LFS had a sale and I found some great fabric I was too tempted.

I thought this course would be a good interim - not quite so technical as the Sew Retro frock. And I was correct EXCEPT it is awesome. Christine Haynes is the instructor and I love her teaching style. She's relaxed (this helps a lot!), funny and has the most amazing ability to communicate EXACTLY what she means. I think this would be hard to do, given video is so one-way - there's no feedback whilst you film. She is also exceptional at responding to questions on the platform. And so encouraging.

I have managed to do a couple of hours each night on the blouse - switching between the tutorials and actually sewing. Being able to go back and review bits and pieces as you go has been invaluable. I have been guilty of being quite slap-dash when sewing in the past. With this project I have been precise, paced and methodical. And the results speak for themselves. I posted a picture of my facing to the class platform. I was bit nervous - I felt like I was showing my underwear! But I was so proud of the quality I just had to!

Front and neck facing
I'm up to setting in the sleeves. This will be a bit precise but I am looking forward to it. I'll keep you posted :-)

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Pillowcase top - photos

Finally! The planets have aligned and The Princess wore her pillowcase top, I had my iPad handy AND the top was clean! So here it is. I really like the fabric and if she hadn't picked it I probably would have taken a couple of metres for myself. she loves it and because it is so easy to iron it's on high rotation. She gets lots of lovely comments and always says "my mum made it for me". Talk about brownie points.

Sew Retro fitting

I'm still plugging away at my Sew Retro frock. As I have already said, I refuse to be rushed through on any of this, and I'm staying true to my word. I made up my muslin - loved Gertie's suggestion to colour-code the stitching. I used sky blue for the seam marking and then stitched it together in red. When I unpicked the inevitable seams (go that well developed diaphragm) it was easy. I had to increase in the bodice but no change to the cups. I will reserve my judgement though as I have yet to fit with my (yet to be purchased) underwear. But I still progressed to cutting my interlining and fabric. I cut into that with some trepidation - not because it's expensive (it's not!) but more as it was a major milestone.

Being a conscientious student I have been reading the student comments and questions and once again, I have to say I am grateful for everyone else's contributions. I was ambivalent about using interlining. My fabric has a fair bit of body. But then I read a little bit. Between the "never knew interlining could be so useful" to the "it's quite calming to do all the seam running stitch by hand"  I was convinced and consequently pleased that I made the effort to hand baste. 

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Credit to Crafters

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Did you have a good one? I spent the evening at home with my family. We had a three course meal (very grown up) and watched the 9pm fireworks (in case anyone couldn't make it to 12). We then watched the end of the Edinborough Military Tatoo and the last of the Proms. Neither Mr X nor the Princess had watched these before and were quite fascinated by the process and traditions. We then managed to catch the midnight fireworks telecast from Sydney. What an amazing achievement. Every time I see this show I think it's the best I've seen and it would be impossible to do any better. And yet they do.

Now after yesterday's post, I felt terrible that I hadn't given credit to those fabulous crafters that so generously share their ideas. For the Princess's pillowcase top I went to Polka Dot Chair's Tuesday's Tutorial: Tiered Pillowcase Dress and Pillowcase Shirt Tutorial. For her ruffle skirt I went to Blissful Sewing's Easy Peasy Summer Skirt. Thanks for these great patterns and tutorials. Photos still to come.